Piles - a painful condition
ACUPUNCTURE FOR HEMORRHOIDS / PILES: Hemorrhoids are commonly known as Piles is a common condition which, most of the people experience at least once in their life time. People feel embarrassed and shy to discuss about their condition. At the same time, suffer a lot with the symptoms. There are multiple veins in and around the anus and lower rectum. Sometimes these veins swell so that its walls become stretched, thin and irritated while passing stool or bowel movements. There are two types of Hemorrhoids / Piles they are Internal and external hemorrhoids. INTERNAL PILES lie inside the rectum and cannot be seen with naked eyes or felt with our hands. They usually don’t hurt but bleeding may be the only sign. EXTERNAL PILES also lie inside the anus but protrude outside with or without bleeding. It is most painful, irritable, itchy and discomfort when compared to internal piles. Piles are not life threatening nor dangerous, but disturbs the routine life badly. Most of th...