What is Acidity?

Acidity or Acid reflux is a condition which occurs when there is excess secretion of acids in the gastric glands of the stomach. This condition is characterized by heartburn felt around the lower chest area, which is caused when acid secretion is more than usual and it starts flowing upward into the esophagus (which carry food & liquid). Normally it is triggered by consumption of spicy food.

What are the different types of Acidity?

Two main types are Acute and Chronic

What are the Causes of Acidity?

Unhealthy eating habits, side effect of medicines, over eating, any other existing medical conditions, due to other causes such as stress, lack of sleep etc. can cause Acidity

Symptoms: burning sensation in the stomach, throat and heart, difficulty in swallowing, belching, indigestion, nausea etc.

Home Remedies:

1. Fenugreek (methi) seeds are good source of antioxidents and fibres. Consume fenugreek sprouts in empty stomach for few weeks. This helps to improve digestive system and strengthens the stomach lining.

2. Buttermilk contains lactic acid that normalizes acidity in the stomach. Drink a glass of buttermilk after your heavy meal.

3. Drink cinnamon tea to heal infections in the gastrointestinal tract. Take 1 glass of water, add 4 sticks of cinnamon (3 inch) boil it in low flame. Let the water reduce to ¾ glass. Add 2 spoon of honey and drink it in empty stomach. Make sure not to consume anything for next ½ hour.

4. Include cucumber in all your meals. This regularizes the acid levels in the body.


4 best Acupressure Points to reduce Acidity:

Give 3-5 minutes of medium pressure on the shown points twice a day. Ren 12 helps in faster relief from bloating and burning in the stomach.


Other Suggestions:

1.    Stop overeating and Exercise regularly

2.    Follow a Low-Carb Diet, reduce citric fruits and  Carbonated Beverages,

3.    Stop intake of alcohol

4.    Coffee is not good for people suffering from Acidity

5.    It is recommended to give at least 2 hour gap between your meal and bed time.

Acupuncture Approach:  

(Note: Non acupuncturist can skip this content but please use Acupressure points to avail health benefits)


Taoist principle says that our bodies stay healthy as long as our internal balance of yin (cool) and yang (warm) forces is more or less equal. Acid reflux is caused by imbalances in stomach or liver, or both.

One common cause of acid reflux is stomach fireThis happens when excessive yang energy flows into the stomach. Stress, frustration and “fiery” foods, such as coffee, green chili, peppers etc., and all such foods can build up stomach fire. Over a period of time, the condition can lead to yin deficiency.

Acid reflux can also be a sign of poor digestion, which leads to an accumulation of fluids in the stomach known as stomach dampnessDampness slows down the movement of blood and Qi (vital energy) in the body. When present in the stomach, it can make the stomach feel full and cause Qi to move in the wrong direction. This leads to acid reflux. Fatigue, bloating and weight gain are all signs of stomach dampness.

Lastly, liver fire is also a suspect for acid reflux. It’s similar to stomach fire, and usually comes as a result of anger or stress. According to Acupuncture the liver is in charge of regulating emotions, so an unbalanced emotional state can disrupt the flow of Qi in your body.


This article is an awareness initiative taken in public interest. Readers are advised not to use any information included herein to treat any health problems without knowing the actual health condition. This article is the combination of theoretical knowledge, patient’s feedback, self-experience and opinion. We recommend consulting a Doctor when in doubt or otherwise. We shall not be liable for any damages arising from the contents of this article. 


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