Vertigo is a sensation of motion or spinning that is often described as dizziness. People with vertigo feel as though they are actually spinning or moving. It is usually triggered by specific changes in the position of head. This might occur when a person tips his head up or down, when he lie down, when he turn over or sit up in bed.

The signs and symptoms of Vertigo can come and go and commonly last less than one minute. Episodes of Vertigo can disappear for some time and then recur.

Activities that bring about the signs and symptoms of Vertigo can vary from person to person, but are almost always brought on by a change in head position. Some people also feel out of balance when standing or walking.

The actual symptom of Vertigo in simple words is so called dizziness; however it can be accompanied by

·       Nausea and vomiting

·       Hearing loss

·       Loss of balance

·       Ringing in the ears

·       Sweating

·       Tilting

·       Swaying

·       Pulled to one direction

·       Headache etc. 


Western Approach

Inner ear problems, which affect balance, are the most common causes of vertigo. Vertigo is often associated with a minor to severe blow to the head. Less common causes of Vertigo include disorders that damage the inner ear. Sometimes, damage can also occur during ear surgery or long periods positioned on the back, such as in a dentist chair. Rarely, Vertigo also has been associated with migraines.


Acupuncture Perspective:

(Note: Non acupuncturist can skip this content but please use Acupressure points to avail health benefits)

The cause of Vertigo is either an exogenous pathogenic factor, impairment of an internal organ or trauma. Its mechanism may be summarized as wind, phlegm, fire and blood stasis and the organs mainly involved are the Liver, the Spleen and Kidneys.

Few Conditions to consider:

a.     Rise in Liver Yang: Resulting from a yang-hyperactivity constitution; emotional distress, which causes qi stagnation with production of wind and fire

b.     Insufficiency of kidney-essence: Due to a congenital deficiency, aging, chronic disease or sexual indulgence.

c.     Deficiency of qi and blood: The damage of spleen and stomach caused by overstrain, immoderate diet, congenital defect, aging, long-term disease etc.

d.     Blood stasis: Trauma accompanied by blood stasis formation may obstruct the meridians and vessels, interfering with the function of upper orifices.

Acupressure Points:


(Give 5-10 mins of pressure to the shown points for 3 times a day)


Diet & Lifestyle changes

·        Bananas and avocados are good sources of potassium, which can help control fluid levels in the body.

·        Ginger can help alleviate dizziness and nausea.

·        Almonds and green leafy vegetables are high in magnesium, which can help increase blood circulation in the inner ear.

·        Staying hydrated with water and electrolytes helps to maintain hearing health.

·        Limit salt intake as the high levels of sodium can cause water retention in inner ear.

·        Caffeine can worsen vertigo symptoms, so avoid coffee, tea, chocolate, and soft drinks.

·       Breathing exercise can help in improving inner ear health.


This article is an awareness initiative taken in public interest. Readers are advised not to use any information included herein to treat any health problems without knowing the actual health condition. This article is the combination of theoretical knowledge, patient’s feedback, self-experience and opinion. We recommend consulting a Doctor when in doubt or otherwise. We shall not be liable for any damages arising from the wrong usage of the content.


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